:30 – WELCOME to Clay and Grady!
9:16 – Movie intro
12:00 – Previous experience with the film
23:22 – What is this movie trying to say about witches? What’s any story trying to say about witches
1:07:00 – Interview with Clay and Grady about their new books
1:54:00 – What’s up next?
Emily’s The Craft: Legacy Blog:
Othersode #102: Clady McHendrix / The Craft with Grady Hendrix and Clay Mcleod Chapman
Othersode #102: Clady McHendrix / The Craft with Grady Hendrix and Clay Mcleod Chapman
Returning guests and two of our favorite authors, Grady Hendrix and Clay McLeod Chapman, join us to talk about The Craft. We talk about our experience with the film and try to dissect what it’s really saying about witches. Then we have a spoiler-free chat with Grady and Clay about their newest books, Witchcraft for Wayward Girls and Wake Up and Open Your Eyes, respectively. Read along for our next Bookpisode on Incidents Around the House by Josh Malerman on February 18th. Then go see The Monkey for our next Othersode on March 4th!